The XPOT potentiostat is a competitively-priced 4-quadrant potentiostat which can be used in connection with the EIS capabilities of a Zennium workstation where a higher compliance voltage is necessary, or as a standalone instrument to run DC-only measurements. The XPOT provides up to ±500 mA output current at ±25 V compliance voltage.
The XPOT operates either as a standalone device under PC control for DC-only measurements, or in combination with a Zennium electrochemical workstation for both DC measurements and AC impedance measurements.
Customers not interested in operating the XPOT as a standalone device can instead connect it to a Zennium workstation. The XPOT is controlled by an EPC42 which is a plug-in module for the Zennium workstations. Each EPC42 can control up to four XPOTs. Up to four EPC42 cards can control up to 16 XPOTs by one Zennium. The XPOT is completely integrated into the Zennium operating environment. Thus, all acquisition and analysis techniques that run on the Zennium can be applied with the XPOT as well.
Supported methods with coupled Zennium workstation:
- Impedance spectroscopy
- Simulation & model fitting
- Cyclic voltammetry
- Polarization curves
- Multicell multitasking voltammetry
- Arbitrary current/potential/time measurement
- Capacity/potential measurements
- Automatic series measurements
Supported methods with PC only:
- U vs. time, I vs. time
- Current Potential Curves (U/I)
- Cyclic Voltammetry, CV at OCP
- Charging/Discharging, Battery Cycling
XPOT Booster
Operating modes
Compliance voltage
±25 V
Potential range
±10 V
Potential accuracy
±0.1% / ±1 mV
Current range
±10 nA … ±500 mA
Current accuracy
±0.2 % / ±100 pA
Output power
12 W
Frequency range
10µHz - 200kHz
Impedance range
0.1 Ω - 1 GΩ
Ambient temperature
0C … 25C
185 x 160 x 317 mm
4.5 kg
System requirements
Zennium + EPC42 or PC